Peyot Ronald (bd: 2/3/13) Primary 2 -1st Grade

From $27.00


Grade: Primary 2 (1st grade)

Peyot is 10 years old and lives with his parents and four siblings in Agwata village in northern Uganda. He is the second oldest child and has two sisters and two brothers.

He recently started school and his favorite subjects are reading and writing. He hopes to become a primary teacher in the future.

When at home, Peyot farms and likes planting cotton. He also fetches water and sweeps the compound where his family’s huts are located. In his free time he plays football (soccer) or imitation of ox plough games. He is a humble boy, active and polite.

Annual sponsorship cost is $325 for primary school fees, uniform and basic school supplies. This amount can be paid annually, by term at $108 per term or via monthly credit card payment of $27 per month.