Agwata Community Clinic

Agwata Community Clinic : A Rural Africa Clinic Started in 2013

Because the next nearest clinic in Lamwo was over 17 kilometers away, our Agwata women’s group desperately wanted a clinic in their own community. 17 kilometers is a very far distance especially during rainy season when roads and paths are very muddy and impassable. Outreach Uganda helped their dream become a reality in June 2013 when the Agwata community clinic opened its doors. This northern Uganda clinic in Lamwo district serves over 5,000 people in the surrounding sub-county of five villages.

Northern Uganda Clinic History of Progress

Outreach Uganda partnered with the local community to open this clinic mid-2013. The community provided the space, and OU contributes so the community can pay the two nurses who staff the clinic. OU also provides twice yearly donations for clinic medicines.

In mid-2014, the district and another NGO trained seven specially selected people to be on the Health Care Unit management committee. This committee helps oversee the rural Africa clinic operations and makes sure it is serving the communities’ needs. There are usually at least 600 and more patient visits per month depending on the season of the year. During the past several years during the height of malaria season, the clinic served almost 1000 patients monthly.

The Agwata clinic became a Health Centre II – see the new sign –
March 2020

In 2017, a maternity hut was added next to the clinic so mothers who had just delivered or other patients could rest there overnight if needed before traveling back home on foot. In 2020, OU funding provided for the construction of two additional improved huts next to the clinic for the two nursing staff. At the end of 2019, the clinic became an official “Health Centre II” within the Lamwo district where the clinic is located.

Immunization and Maternity Services Provided

During 2016 and 2017, the clinic added immunization services as well as the ability to provide routine maternity services, and pre- and post-natal care. Village members constructed clinic latrines. An OU church donor provided funding for an improved hut with a cemented floor in case any patients need to stay the night.

Agwata Community Clinic – Future Expansion Plans

An Agwata community member has donated land for a new clinic building 2 kilometers away from the existing clinic. The community hopes that a larger clinic can be constructed on this land in the near future. This clinic in Lamwo currently occupies a very small space which a community member allows the clinic to use gratis. Our clinic is one of the smallest clinics in physical size within our district and yet it is busier than many clinics and needs more space.

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