Amito Lona (bd: 07/27/07) Secondary 2 – 8th Grade



Grade: Secondary 2 (8th Grade)

Lona is from the village of Layamo located in northern Uganda. She is the youngest child among 6 children. She lives with a community of extended family. Lona is the most educated among her siblings. Her siblings have all dropped out of school.

Lona hopes to become a nurse one day. She would like to create a history in her family as the most educated. Lona works hard at home and at school. She is doing well in her studies.

Lona helps her family household with cooking, washing utensils and fetching water. In her free time, she helps her mother with selling chapatti. Lona is polite and disciplined.

The annual sponsorship for Lona is $700 to be split among 2 sponsors at $350 each which provides her tuition, room and board, uniform, basic school supplies and mentoring by OU staff. Lona has one sponsor, but desperately needs a 2nd sponsor! This amount can be paid annually, by term at $117, or via monthly credit card payment of $29 per month.