Ekanya Joshua (Age: 5) Kindergarten

From $27.00


Grade: Kindergarten

Joshua lives with his family in a grass thatched hut in the rural village of Agwata located in northern Uganda. There are 9 children in his family. He has 3 sisters and 5 brothers.

Joshua enjoys being at school to learn and play with his friends. He is polite and is good at asking questions of his teachers when he doesn’t know something. He wants to become an engineer when he grows up.

Joshua enjoys playing football in his free time. He also really enjoys playing on the playground at school. He especially likes the slides and jumping over the tires.

Annual sponsorship cost is $325 for primary school fees and basic school supplies. This amount can be paid annually, by term at $108 per term, or via monthly credit card payment of $27 per month.