Sponsored Child Birthday & Family Gifts

From $20.00

Donate Today to Make your Child’s Birthday Special or Give a Family Gift

Christmas is a perfect time to share holiday joy with your sponsored child and Birthdays are not usually celebrated in Uganda. Most parents do not have any extra money for gifts. Your birthday gift to your sponsored child will bring incredible joy and will help make your child feel special.

For many children in our program, this will be the only present they receive. Birthday gifts will be purchased locally by our staff who know each child, so children will receive what they need and want most. You may donate in any amount you choose. Sometimes sponsors ask us for suggested amounts. Below, are some suggested amounts with an indication of what that amount could buy in Uganda. As you might imagine, money goes much further there than in the U.S.

$30 – buys a nice gift for your sponsored child, such as a dress, shoes and a book for school. Or maybe they choose a soccer ball and a shirt and shoes.
$50 – buys a nice gift for your child plus a contribution towards some extra food for the family such as a sack of beans and some sugar.
$100 – buys a nice gift for your child, plus needed items for other children in the family as well. Or maybe the family would choose to purchase a goat.
$200 – the child and family will sit down with our sponsorship coordinator and budget for what is the most needed items to help the family get ahead. Is it livestock? Seeds for planting? School fees for older unsponsored children, or maybe an urgent medical need?
$300 – Same as $200 but could also cover a major household purchase such as goats or a cow, a bicycle, upgrade or refurbishing of the family’s mud and thatch hut, a special farming tool or seedlings for a new farming project, etc.

At whatever gift level you choose, please know it will bring much joy to your child and his family. Most of our families, especially in the Agwata and Kitgum areas are quite poor and normally have enough money in their households to survive on a day to day basis. Your birthday will bring much joy. Larger family gifts allow their family to make progress in their own personal struggle to overcome poverty.