Every Child Deserves a Great Education.
Outreach Uganda’s Child Sponsorship Program Gives
More Children the Chance at a Better Life.
Every Child Deserves a Great Education.
Outreach Uganda’s Child Sponsorship Program Gives
More Children the Chance at a Better Life.
Child Sponsorship :
Change a Life Forever
Child Sponsorship :
Change a Life Forever
You can make a difference. Most of the younger children needing sponsors are children of our women’s group members in Agwata in northern Uganda. The women themselves have helped build the school for these children since the school is one of a handful of “parent supported” primary schools in northern Uganda. It is the most successful such school in Lamwo district of Uganda. Most families at this school live on less than $1 per day. They can barely feed their families so it is a struggle to pay the required costs to keep the school running and to keep their students in school. Help from our Child Sponsorship program makes all the difference!

Outreach Uganda Aims to Help
Every Ugandan Child Reach at Least Grade 10
Outreach Uganda Aims to Help
Every Ugandan Child Reach at Least Grade 10
When the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebel group first started terrorizing the country of Uganda in 1987, it displaced over 2.5 million people. Now that the LRA is neutralized, many young Ugandans who grew up in internally displaced person (IDP) camps had little to no education, formal training, or vocational training.
After spending over a decade helping sponsor Ugandan children, we see Grade 10 as a catalyst for sustainable growth. Ugandan children who reach Grade 10 with our support have a significantly stronger chance of elevating their family’s financial reality.
Since starting Outreach Uganda in 2007, our child sponsorship program helps cover the daily operating costs at the Agwata school in northern Uganda. Those costs include :
- Paying teacher salaries and lunches.
- Buying curriculum materials, school supplies, and equipment.
- Providing a mid-day porridge meal for all children at the school.
Even more importantly, your sponsorship helps provide encouragement, mentoring, and emotional support for sponsored children and their families. Most of the families connected with our partner school in the Lamwo district of Uganda live on less than $1 a day. And yet, our partner school is one of the most successful schools in the Lamwo district of Uganda. How is that possible? Your support in sponsoring these amazing children makes this a reality.

How Does Child Sponsorship Work with Outreach Uganda?
Sponsoring a child is easy with Outreach Uganda thanks to our simple, easy-to-follow process.
How Does Child Sponsorship Work with Outreach Uganda?
Sponsoring a child is easy with Outreach Uganda thanks to our simple, easy-to-follow process.


Start by reviewing our list of children needing sponsors. Get to know their stories, see their personalities shine through what you learn, and choose one to sponsor.


Once you’ve selected a child to sponsor, our processing page gives you multiple options for how you want to contribute: annually, by term, or month-to-month.


As a new sponsor, you will receive a welcome packet in the mail. Included will be all the information you need to also start sharing letters and building a connection with your sponsored child.
FAQs About Sponsoring a Child with Outreach Uganda
FAQs About Sponsoring a Child with Outreach Uganda
If I sign up to be a sponsor, do I get assigned a child, or can I choose one to sponsor?
We encourage all of our sponsors to start by looking at our list of children where you can pick one to sponsor. If you’re looking for a specific situation or maybe there are details that are more important to you, our team can help find the right child to sponsor.
Are my sponsorship contributions tax-deductible?
In short, yes, as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, contributions to Outreach Uganda are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of U.S. tax law. We provide end-of-year documentation for sponsors and donors to help you track your donations for tax filing purposes.
How do I build a great connection with my sponsored child?
Your role in your sponsored child’s life is priceless. We love encouraging sponsors to write letters of support. This helps your sponsored child do even better in their studies and work toward becoming truly successful as they grow into adulthood. Besides letters, you can also send other paper items, such as photos, postcards, stickers, and coloring pages.
Part of our child sponsorship program means your sponsored child will keep you updated on how they’re doing by writing to you three times per year. If you prefer not to correspond, we can have a volunteer send occasional notes or words of encouragement to your sponsored child.
Beyond Uganda Scholarship Initiative
From Support to Accountability: Funding the Future of Uganda for Young Adults
Beyond Uganda Scholarship Initiative
From Support to Accountability: Funding the Future of Uganda for Young Adults
We intentionally focus on sponsoring children up through Grade 10. The challenge is secondary school (Grades 7-12) is more expensive than primary school because students must board at the schools. Beginning with seventh grade, each child continuing his/her education must complete an annual scholarship application and required performance reports. All applications are then reviewed and the highest-ranking students are selected for annual scholarships based on the scholarship and sponsorship funding that is available for that school year.
Our scholarship program helps motivate students to focus on their educational and life goals, and achieve good performance so they can reach these goals. Student goals can be as simple as completing Grade 8 or 10 to become a better parent and community member, or more complex aimed at acquiring a vocational skill or becoming a successful, thriving professional in a particular field of study. Normally, more older students apply for scholarships than we have funding available funding to give. Your contributions to our scholarship programs mean more hard-working students can achieve their education and life goals.
Get Involved With Outreach Uganda
Get Involved With Outreach Uganda
Hear From our Students

I go by the name Aber Gladys. I am a candidate of the Cubu Parents Primary School. I want to thank Outreach Uganda for what they have done for us. One, they built for us schools both Primary and Nursery. And they are helping us in providing food like sugar, beans and posho when our parents could not afford it. They are also paying fees in primary school and some in secondary school.
Thank you.
Aber Gladys O

My name is Adeno. I’m so excited to share about myself and what Outreach Uganda has done for me. It has really been very hard getting an education in Uganda. But I’m really thankful because Outreach Uganda picked me when there was nothing at home. Life was very hard. Every time I went to school, they were sending me back home for school fees. It was really very hard for my parents. But one thing that I’m so grateful about was that Outreach Uganda picked me when I was in Primary 4. That was in 2009 and up through university. I’m so happy right now because I got what I was really thinking about. Right now I’m a graduate. I did a course in hotel management. I’m a good chef. I like it so much. I’m hoping to add more nutrition and see how I can change people’s lives. I’m so grateful.
Thank you.
Adeno C

It is with great pleasure to inform you that I am an Engineer. I am very humbled and so grateful for the support you rendered to me during my period of study. Thanks so much for believing and trusting me. I don’t take that for granted. If it was not for your love, care and support for sure I couldn’t be who I am today.
Diana N

I am Komakech. I am a product of Outreach Uganda. I want to say what Outreach Uganda has done for me so far. I am a child being raised by a single mother who was abandoned by her husband some years back. Back then I had no hope of studying again. I was helpless with my mom. Since then Outreach Uganda came in and started paying my school fees when I was in nursery. From nursery 3 I went to primary and then to secondary. And now hopefully I’ll get to go to University. Now I’m here because of Outreach Uganda, simply because of the support and the generosity of the personalities involved. We lived in a district in Uganda that was stopped so much by war and being so remote. This ruined a lot of lives. I’m simply happy because Outreach Uganda has done a lot. I trust in Outreach Uganda because of what they have done for us. I will not stop thanking Outreach Uganda. I also want to help others just the way Outreach Uganda has helped me.
Thank you so much.
Komakech F

I want to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support. Your kindness has not only made my educational dreams a reality, but has also created a lasting impact on my life. I have completed a Bachelor degree in Procurement and Logistics Management. I don’t know how I can express my appreciation for what you have done in my life. I am who I am because of your generous, unconditional love unto me and my family.
Thank you once again for being an invaluable part of my journey.
Okidi S

I go by the name of Olobo. I’m a candidate of the Cubu Parent Nursery and Primary school. I would like to thank Outreach Uganda for what they have done in our school. They help pay our teachers. They built for us schools. They help to teach our teachers on how to access computers. They provide for us free food. They help pay our school fees when our parents cannot afford to pay the fees. They also built for us a library which contains books for upper and lower classes. There are storybooks and exercise books.
Thank you.
Olobo S